317 research outputs found

    Rađanje van braka u Srbiji: nedovoljno istražen fenomen / Nonmarital Fertility in Serbia: An Under-Researched Phenomenon

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    U Srbiji je, kao i širom Evrope, u poslednjih nekoliko decenija prisutan trend porasta vanbračnog fertiliteta. U 2017. godini je van braka rođeno 26% dece. U radu se sagledavaju osnovne karakteristike vanbračnog rađanja, na osnovu zvaničnih statističkih podataka i rezultata kvalitativnog istraživanja autora. O tome koliko se vanbračnih rađanja odvija u okviru vanbračnih zajednica a koliko među samohranim majkama, usled nedostatka statističkih podataka, zaključuje se indirektno. Rezultati analize ukazuju na nepovoljan socioekonomski položaj mnogih majki i dece rođene van braka. Stoga se ukazuje na potrebu institucionalnih mera podrške jednoroditeljskim porodicama. Takođe, naglašava se potreba produbljivanja znanja i povećanje obuhvata i kvaliteta podataka vezanih za fenomen vanbračnih rađanja

    Metodički model poučavanja pjesama po sluhu i učinci njegova utjecaja na razvoj učeničkih glasovnih sposobnosti

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    The purpose of this paper was to verify the studied phenomenon (application of the vocal warm up exercises model, as well as the designed and planned methodical approach to learning songs by ear) by using an experiment with parallel groups. The subject of this study was to determine whether it was possible to influence the quality of singing and develop the vocal skills of younger school age students by implementing a planned and directed methodical approach to learning songs by ear. In order to check the effects of the implementation of the methodical model, the SAVS instrument (Scale for the Assessment of Vocal Skills, Jeremić, 2011, p. 281) was used, subtests I, II, III, IV and V (with equivalent forms for the initial and final assessment). In the comparison of groups in relation to vocal skills, a general linear model was used, and in particular a multivariate analysis of covariance with repeated measures (MANCOVA with repeated measures). The sample of this research consisted of second grade students of elementary schools in Sombor and Kikinda, Serbia. The tests of within subject effects showed that the two groups differed in their level of vocal skills, when the average of the two measurements was observed F (1) =11.424, p=.001.Svrha je ovoga rada provjeriti istraživani fenomen (primjena modela vježbi vokalnog zagrijavanja, kao i osmišljen i planski metodički pristup učenju pjesme po sluhu) eksperimentom s paralelnim skupinama. Predmet je ovog istraživanja utvrditi je li moguće utjecati na kvalitetu pjevanja i razvijati glasovne sposobnosti učenika mlađeg uzrasta planiranim i usmjerenim metodičkim pristupom za učenje pjesama po sluhu. Kako bi se provjerili učinci provedbe metodičkog modela, korišten je SPVS instrument (Skala provjere vokalnih sposobnosti, Jeremić, 2011: 281), subtest I, II, III, IV i V (ekvivalentni oblik početnog i završnog testiranja). Za usporedbu skupina po glasovnim sposobnostima korišten je opći linearni model, a osobito multivarijacijska analiza kovarijanata s ponovljenim mjerenjima (MANCOVA s ponovljenim mjerenjima). Uzorak ovog istraživanja činili su učenici drugog razreda osnovnih škola u Somboru i Kikindi, u Srbiji. Testovi učinaka unutar ispitanika pokazuju da se dvije skupine razlikuju po razini vokalnih sposobnosti pri promatranju prosjeka dvaju mjerenja F (1) = 11.424, p = .001

    Metodički model poučavanja pjesama po sluhu i učinci njegova utjecaja na razvoj učeničkih glasovnih sposobnosti

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    The purpose of this paper was to verify the studied phenomenon (application of the vocal warm up exercises model, as well as the designed and planned methodical approach to learning songs by ear) by using an experiment with parallel groups. The subject of this study was to determine whether it was possible to influence the quality of singing and develop the vocal skills of younger school age students by implementing a planned and directed methodical approach to learning songs by ear. In order to check the effects of the implementation of the methodical model, the SAVS instrument (Scale for the Assessment of Vocal Skills, Jeremić, 2011, p. 281) was used, subtests I, II, III, IV and V (with equivalent forms for the initial and final assessment). In the comparison of groups in relation to vocal skills, a general linear model was used, and in particular a multivariate analysis of covariance with repeated measures (MANCOVA with repeated measures). The sample of this research consisted of second grade students of elementary schools in Sombor and Kikinda, Serbia. The tests of within subject effects showed that the two groups differed in their level of vocal skills, when the average of the two measurements was observed F (1) =11.424, p=.001.Svrha je ovoga rada provjeriti istraživani fenomen (primjena modela vježbi vokalnog zagrijavanja, kao i osmišljen i planski metodički pristup učenju pjesme po sluhu) eksperimentom s paralelnim skupinama. Predmet je ovog istraživanja utvrditi je li moguće utjecati na kvalitetu pjevanja i razvijati glasovne sposobnosti učenika mlađeg uzrasta planiranim i usmjerenim metodičkim pristupom za učenje pjesama po sluhu. Kako bi se provjerili učinci provedbe metodičkog modela, korišten je SPVS instrument (Skala provjere vokalnih sposobnosti, Jeremić, 2011: 281), subtest I, II, III, IV i V (ekvivalentni oblik početnog i završnog testiranja). Za usporedbu skupina po glasovnim sposobnostima korišten je opći linearni model, a osobito multivarijacijska analiza kovarijanata s ponovljenim mjerenjima (MANCOVA s ponovljenim mjerenjima). Uzorak ovog istraživanja činili su učenici drugog razreda osnovnih škola u Somboru i Kikindi, u Srbiji. Testovi učinaka unutar ispitanika pokazuju da se dvije skupine razlikuju po razini vokalnih sposobnosti pri promatranju prosjeka dvaju mjerenja F (1) = 11.424, p = .001

    Češka politika prema porodici

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    U radu se predstavlja razvoj i transformacija češke populacione politike od 1950-ih godina. Ona se menjala od pronatalitetne, sprovođene u vreme kada je Češka bila deo komunističke Čehoslovačke, preko, uglavnom socijalne, u vreme tranzicije iz 1990-ih, do aktualizacije i uvođenja novih mera u poslednjoj deceniji. Mere koje su se definisale i sprovodile u određenom vremenskom razdoblju predstavljale su odgovor države na porodično i reproduktivno ponašanje stanovništva, koje se najčešće ogledalo u niskom fertilitetu, u velikoj meri uslovljeno tada aktuelnim društvenim, ekonomskim i kulturnim uslovima. U tom smislu, period najvećih izazova nastupio je posle 1989. godine, sa promenom društveno političkog sistema i velikim ekonomskim i socijalnim promenama koje su usledile, kao i opadanjem fertiliteta na ekstremno nizak nivo. Tadašnja politika prema porodici isključila je pronatalitetne podsticaje i olakšice i zadržala samo socijalne mere namenjene smanjenju siromaštva i ublažavanju nejednakosti. Od ranih 2000-ih, definišu se i sprovode nove mere, podstaknute potrebom da se zaustavi i promeni trend pada fertiliteta koji je dostigao najniži nivo (SUF 1,13 u 1999), sagledavanjem mogućih negativnih socioekonomskih posledica, ali i preporukama i direktivama Evropske unije, čiji je član Češka Republika postala 2004. godine. Počev od 2000. zaustavljeno je opadanje fertiliteta, SUF je do 2011. dostigao 1,43, a prema podacima za 2016. iznosio je 1,63 deteta po ženi

    Language, gender, and sexual orientation: Gender-specific features of discursive styles of homosexual users of an internet forum

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    Ovo istraživanje nastoji da utvrdi da li se, i na koji način, homoseksualne osobe prilikom komunikacije u internet okruženju oslanjaju na stilske odlike koje su karakteristične za određeni rod. Polazi se od pretpostavke da u osnovi razlika u jezičkoj praksi ne stoje određene, bilo rodne bilo seksualne, identitetske kategorije koje bi u tim praksama imale samo sredstvo svog izražavanja, već se na jezik gleda kao na jedan od resursa koji omogućava da se odgovori na različite zahteve komunikacione situacije. Metodološki okvir za prikupljanje i analizu uzoraka verbalne interakcije je analiza sadržaja (računate su relativne frekvence lingvističkih odrednica koje su međusobno poređene upotrebom statističkih tehnika), a na ovaj način dobijeni rezultati dopunjeni su kvalitativnom analizom toka komunikacije kojom se podrobnije ispituje posredovanje konteksta konverzacije prilikom izbora rodno specifičnih diskurzivnih odlika. Nalazi ukazuju na to da se homoseksualni muškarci i žene razlikuju s obzirom na ispoljavanje rodno obojenog diskurzivnog stila. U diskusiji se navode argumenti u prilog tome da se ove razlike interpretiraju s obzirom na osobenost diskusionog okruženja i postojanje određenih normi koje modeliraju interakciju među učesnicima u diskusiji.This study seeks to determine whether and in which way homosexual people rely on gender-specific style characteristics when communicating in the internet environment. It is assumed that the basis of differences in language practices is not some identity category (either gender or sexual), that uses these practices only as a means of expression. Instead, language is seen as a resource that allows us to respond to a variety of communication situations. The methodological framework for collecting and analyzing the samples of verbal interaction is content analysis (relative frequencies of linguistic parameters are first calculated and then compared by using statistical techniques), and the results are then supplemented with a qualitative analysis of communication flow which further examines the mediating effect of conversational context in the selection of gender-related discursive features. The findings suggest that homosexual men and women differ when it comes to the expression of gender-specific discursive style. In conclusion, I argue in favor of the interpretation of these differences with respect to the specificity of the communication context and existence of certain norms that model the interaction among the participants in the discussion

    Woman as a subject of childbirth: Physical, technological and institutional aspects

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    Porođaj predstavlja specifičnu tačku susreta prirode i kulture: to je biološki događaj u kome su glavni akteri društvena bića, prirodni proces kome je kroz naučno-tehnološko prevođenje dat poseban kulturni status. Ova kompleksna priroda porođaja postavlja dvostruki izazov pred ženu koja se porađa. Sa jedne strane, tok dramatičnih telesnih promena koji je u najvećoj meri izvan njene kontrole predstavlja pretnju za njenu otelovljenu subjektivnost. Sa druge strane, to što je u savremenom društvu porođaj postao objekat medicinskih znanja, praksi i tehnika po pravilu podrazumeva njegovo redukovanje na medicinski vođen fiziološki proces koji se ne oslanja na subjektivnu uključenost žene u bilo kom relevantnom smislu. Postavlja se pitanje da li uopšte žena uspeva da bude subjekt ovog procesa koji joj se dešava i koji je pre svega tehnološki posredovan i spoljašnje regulisan? Iskustvo porođaja posmatraću kao kompleksan proces koji je određen interakcijom između konstantno promenljivog otelovljenog iskustva i medicinskih praksi i tehnika kojima je žena podvrgnuta. Na osnovu analize porođajnih narativa pokušaću da pratim tok ovog iskustva i brojne promene kroz koje žena kao subjekt prolazi u u lokalnom akušerskom kontekstu koji sa sobom nosi niz institucionalnih specifičnosti.Childbirth represents a specific meeting point between nature and culture: it is a biological event in which the main actors are social beings, a natural process which has been given a special cultural status through the process of scientific-technological translation. The complex nature of childbirth also raises twofold challenge to woman in labour. On the one hand, the flow of dramatic bodily changes that is mostly beyond her control represents a threat to her embodied subjectivity. On the other hand, the fact that labour is turned into an object of medical knowledge, practices and techniques in contemporary society usually implies its reduction to medically guided physiological process that does not rely on women's subjective involvement in any relevant way. This brings up the question of whether a woman manages to be the subject of a process that is happening to her and that is primarily technologically mediated and externally regulated? I will think of the birth experience as a complex process which relies on the interaction between the constantly changing embodied experience and medical knowledge and techniques that woman is subjected to. Based on the analysis of the birth narratives, I'll try to follow the flow of this experience and numerous changes that women as subject is going through in local obstetrical context which bears a number of institutional specificities

    Wykorzystanie złożonego indeksu zielonej gospodarki EEPSE do oceny postępu gospodarek rozwijających się w osiąganiu Celów zrównoważonego rozwoju

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    As a concept, the green economy refers to the transition from coal to renewable energy sources to reduce pollution, the energy efficiency of production processes to achieve savings, the reuse of materials from waste in business and energy production, changes designed to stop harmful climate change and bring new opportunities for economic development. In this way, conflicts between economic development and environmental issues are resolved, with the aim of achieving sustainability of the economy and society. The aim of the study is to provide a comparative analysis of the level of development of the green economy in selected 20 emerging economies and their progress towards achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) from the 2030 Agenda using the EEPSE Green Economy Index (EEPSE GEI), based on Quintuple  Helix Innovation Model (QHIM), and examine the interdependence between each of the 5 subsystems (quality of education system, economic aspects, political system, civil society, and natural environment) with this index. The results indicate that among the group of countries observed, Estonia is the best performer, while Egypt has the lowest performance. The results, also, indicate the important role of each of the subsystems in EEPSE GEI. The study can be useful for policy makers to identify weaknesses in achieving the SDGs.Jako koncepcja, zielona gospodarka odnosi się do przejścia z węgla na odnawialne źródła energii w celu ograniczenia zanieczyszczeń, efektywności energetycznej procesów produkcyjnych w celu osiągnięcia oszczędności, ponownego wykorzystania materiałów z odpadów w biznesie i produkcji energii, zmian mających na celu zatrzymać szkodliwe zmiany klimatyczne i stworzyć nowe możliwości rozwoju gospodarczego. W ten sposób rozwiązywane są konflikty pomiędzy rozwojem gospodarczym a kwestiami środowiskowymi, umożliwiając osiągnięcie zrównoważonego rozwoju gospodarki i społeczeństwa. Celem artykułu jest dokonanie analizy porównawczej poziomu rozwoju zielonej gospodarki w wybranych 20 gospodarkach rozwijających się  oraz ich postępu w realizacji Celów zrównoważonego rozwoju (SDGs) wynikających z Agendy 2030 z wykorzystaniem Indeksu Zielonej Gospodarki EEPSE (EEPSE GEI), w oparciu o Model Innowacji Pięciokrotnej Helisy (QHIM) i bada współzależność pomiędzy każdym z 5 podsystemów (jakość systemu edukacji, aspekty ekonomiczne, system polityczny, społeczeństwo obywatelskie i środowisko naturalne) za pomocą tego indeksu. Wyniki wskazują, że wśród obserwowanej grupy krajów najlepiej radzi sobie Estonia, a najgorzej Egipt. Wyniki wskazują także na ważną rolę każdego z podsystemów w EEPSE GEI. Badanie może być przydatne dla decydentów w celu zidentyfikowania słabych punktów w osiąganiu Celów zrównoważonego rozwoju

    Molecular markers of chronic inflammation and apoptosis in inflammatory bowel diseases

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    Hronične inflamatorne bolesti creva (HIBC) predstavljaju rastući globalni zdravstveni problem, posebno u belim populacijama, uključujući i srpsku populaciju. Ova studija obuhvatila je dva tipa HIBC - inflamatornu bolest creva (IBC), koju čine Kronova bolest (KB) i ulcerozni kolitis (UK); i celijačnu bolest (CB). HIBC su kompleksne bolesti u čijoj, još uvek potpuno nerazjašnjenoj etiologiji učestvuju genetički, sredinski i imunološki faktori. Razvoj IBC je rezultat poremećenog imunološkog odgovora na crevnu mikrofloru kod genetički podložnih osoba. Ustanovljen je veliki broj asocijacija između IBC i varijanti u genima čiji proteinski produkti učestvuju u nespecifičnom imunskom odgovoru. Oštećenje intestinalne mukoze kod pacijenata sa IBC dešava se kao posledica deregulacije inflamatornih i apoptotskih procesa koji utiču na dugovečnost T ćelija i integritet epitelijalne barijere. Protein NF-κB je jedan od ključnih regulatora transkripcije gena eksprimiranih tokom ovih patogenetskih promena. U mukozi pacijenata sa KB dolazi do formiranja granuloma, limfoidnih mikrostruktura karakterističnih i za druge inflamatorne bolesti, među kojima je reumatoidni artritis (RA). Zbog toga su KB i RA klasifikovane kao granulomatozne bolesti. U poređenju sa brojnim, još uvek nedovoljno definisanim genetičkim faktorima rizika za razvoj IBC, nasledna komponenta u razvoju CB je dobro okarakterisana i najviše je povezana sa specifičnim varijantama gena HLA-DQ. Jedan od ciljeva ove studije je bio da ispita asocijaciju između HIBC i određenih genetičkih varijanti. Tačnije, analizirana je povezanost IBC sa varijantama u genima NOD2, TLR4, TNF-α, IL-6, IL-1β i IL-1RN, i ispitan je njihov prediktivni značaj za pojavu IBC. Varijanta u genu IL-6 ispitana je kao faktor rizika za nastanak dve granulomatozne bolesti, KB i RA. Takođe, analizirana je distribucija genotipova HLA-DQ u grupi pedijatrijskih pacijenata obolelih od CB i procenjen je rizik za pojavu CB koju ovi genotipovi nose. Sledeći cilj je bila analiza nivoa transkripcije proinflamatornih gena IL-6 i TNF-α, i apoptotskih gena Bcl-2, Bax, Fas i FasL u intestinalnoj mukozi i perifernoj krvi pacijenata obolelih od KB, kako bi se definisali ekspresioni profili gena uključenih u patogenezu KB i ispitao njihov dijagnostički potencijal. Poslednji cilj u okviru istaživanja vezanog za IBC odnosio se na analizu DNK vezujuće aktivnosti NF-κB iz jedarnih ekstrakata intestinalne mukoze pacijenata obolelih od KB...Chronic inflammatory bowel diseases (CIBDs) remain an expanding global health problem, particularly in most Caucasian populations, including Serbian. The focus of this study included two types of chronic inflammatory bowel diseases - inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), which comprises Crohn’s disease (CrD) and ulcerative colitis (UC); and celiac disease (CD). These are complex diseases with various genetic, environmental and immunological risk factors, whose etiologies are not yet fully resolved. The development of IBD is a result of abnormal immune response that occurs in genetically susceptible individuals against the enteric flora. Many studies have investigated associations between IBD occurrence and variants in genes that encode proteins involved in nonspecific immune response. Intestinal mucosal damage in CrD patients occurs as a result of the deregulation of inflammatory and apoptotic processes, which influence T cell longevity and epithelial barrier integrity. Regulatory protein NF-κB has a key role in the transcription of genes whose products are involved in these pathogenic events. Another property of CrD is formation of granulomas, which can also occur in other diseases, such as rheumatoid arthritis (RA). For that reason, CrD and RA are categorized as granulomatous diseases. Compared with numerous, still insufficiently defined genetic risk factors for the development of IBD, a genetic component in CD development is well characterized and mostly associated with specific variants of HLA-DQ genes. One of the aims of this study was to evaluate disease-gene associations. More precisely, we examined IBD associations with several genetic variants - variants in NOD2, TLR4, TNF-α, IL-6, IL-1β and IL-1RN genes, and investigated their contribution in the prediction of IBD occurrence. Additionally, we analyzed variant in IL-6 gene as a risk factor for two types of granulomatous diseases, CrD and RA. Also, we inspected the distribution of HLA-DQ genotypes in the group of pediatric celiac patients and estimated the risk of CD development that these genotypes confer. Another aim was the analysis of mRNA level of proinflammatory IL-6 and TNF-α, and apoptotic Bcl-2, Bax, Fas and FasL genes in intestinal mucosa, as well as in the peripheral blood of CrD patients, in order to reveal the expression patterns involved in the pathogenesis of CrD..

    Distributed subjectivity in pregnancy: self, body and medical technology

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    Rezime Predmet empirijske i teorijske analize u ovoj tezi predstavlja oblikovanje i promena subjektivnosti žena tokom trudnoće i porođaja, posebno s obzirom na dramatične telesne promene koje se tada odvijaju i s obzirom na način na koji medicinska znanja, prakse i tehnike posreduju ovaj proces. Cilj istraživanja bio je da se kroz analizu trudničkih i porođajnih narativa rekonstruišu transformacije doživljajne subjektivnosti žene tokom trudnoće i porođaja u lokalnom kontekstu koji sa sobom nosi niz, pre svega institucionalnih, specifičnosti. Teza je započeta izlaganjem i kritičkim preispitivanjem reprezentacija i praksi koje su povezane sa tretiranjem trudnoće i porođaja u savremenom društvu, kao i rekonstrukcijom njihove istorijske geneze. Savremena situacija može se videti kao kulminacija istorijskog procesa stavljanja ženskog reproduktivnog zdravlja pod nadležnost medicine koje je započelo u moderni. Između ostalog, ovaj proces podrazumeva to da su trudnoća i porođaj posmatrani kao potencijalno rizični i patološki, pa su zbog toga tretirani od strane medicinskih stručnjaka uz oslanjanje na brojna tehnološka sredstva, i to u institucionalnom okruženju. To svakako nosi određene posledice po doživljajnog subjekta i ove posledice su u drugom, empirijskom, delu teze detaljno ispitane. Na kraju uvodnog dela rad je pozicioniran unutar aktuelnih debata oko reproduktivnih pitanja. Specifičan vid ovog pozicioniranja, omogućen je oslanjanjem na jednu drugačiju teoriju kako subjekta, tako i tehnologije, koji se više ne posmatraju kao neke date, koherentne i dobro individuirane celine, već kao kompleksne konstelacije koje su lokalno situirane i koje se mogu samo empirijski opisati. Oslanjanje na ovu promenjenu perspektivu koja potiče iz studija nauke i tehnologije i savremenog feminizma, odnosno pre svega na teoriju aktera-mreže (ANT) kao njeno konceptualno-metodološko jezgro, u radu je omogućilo stavljanje akcenta na materijalne aspekte društvenog okruženja i institucionalno-tehnološku praksu. I pored svog potencijala ovog savremenog shvatanja, njemu nedostaju određeni resursi specifično podešeni za analizu subjektivnosti, kojoj s e u o vom r adu p rilazi i z perspektive prvog lica, kao i njene telesne situiranosti. Zbog toga je uveden dodatni fenomenološki teorijski okvir koji omogućava diferenciranu konceptualnu rekonstrukciju otelovljenog iskustva subjekta. Pored toga, u ovom teorijskom delu rada izvršeno je i dodatno teorijsko situiranje unutar psihologije, kroz razmatranje dve relevantne oblasti koje se ovom temom bave – psihologije žena i zdravstvene psihologije. Metodološko poglavlje sadrži refleksivni narativ same autorke o izvedenom empirijskom istraživanju. Osim detaljnog obrazlaganja svih relevantnih metodoloških odluka, u njemu se preispituje uloga istraživača u svim aspektima istraživanja – od izbora fenomena i formulisanja pitanja, do realizacije istraživanja. Osnovni empirijski materijal na kome je zasnovana kvalitativna analiza čini dvadeset pet polustrukturisanih intervjua, prosečnog trajanja od po dva sata, obavljenih sa trinaest sagovornica – prvi pri kraju trudnoće, a drugi nakon porođaja. Podaci o lokalnom institucionalnom okruženju i medicinskim praksama i tehnikama dopunjeni su sekundarnim materijalom: beleškama sa terenskog istraživanja koje je obavljeno u jednom beogradskom porodilištu, informacijama dobijenim iz razgovora sa malobrojnim lekarima koji su pristali na intervju i analizom medicinskih udžbenika. Osnovni metodološki okvir za tumačenje trudničkih i porođajnih narativa predstavljala je interpretativna fenomenološka analiza koja za cilj ima detaljnu rekonstrukciju individualnog iskustva, ali i njegovo situiranje kako u socio-kulturnom, tako i u teorijskom kontekstu. Druga polovina teze posvećena je izlaganju i komentarisanju empirijskih nalaza. Ona je podeljena u dve veće celine – u prvoj detaljno je analizirano iskustvo trudnoće, a u drugoj iskustvo porođaja, uz navođenje relevantnih citata učesnica u istraživanju. Kroz diskusiju konkretnih iskustava pokazano je to da su posebno na početku trudnoće, ali i tokom nje, telesni doživljaji nejasni i višesmisleni i da se žene, po pravilu oslanjajaju na različite medijatore – medicinska znanja, tehnološka sredstva (kao što su hormonski test ili ultrazvuk), kao i na iskustva drugih osoba – u pokušaju da ispravno protumače, odnosno diskurzivno obrade svoje stanje, i da se praktično odnose prema njemu, odnosno da planiraju i izvode aktivnosti i organizuju svoje ponašanje. Veoma često medicinske tehnike imaju značajnu ulogu u razrešenju neizvesnost i omogućavaju ženi i potrebno znanje i priliku da informisano bira svoje postupke, ali one ponekad vode i indukovanju ili produbljujivanju neizvesnosti. Dakle, tehnologija ima različite uloge tokom trudnoće i porođaja i vodi različitim ishodima za žene kao otelovljene subjekte. Postoje najmanje dva značajna faktora kojima je to određeno – odnos prema telesnom iskustvu i organizacija prakse u kojoj se tehnologija pojavljuje tj. konkretni način na koji je tehnologija institucionalno situirana. Oba aspekta detaljno su ispitana tokom analize narativa. Značajan aspekt iskustva trudnoće, koji postavlja specifičan izazov pred subjektivnost žene, predstavlja činjenica da u njenom telu raste drugo biće koje vremenom postaje sve diferenciranije i autonomnije. Beba za trudnu ženu dobija sve određenije obrise i počinje da se doživljava kao nezavisno biće. I medicinska znanja/tehnologija i otelovljeno iskustvo žene igraju značajnu ulogu u individuiranju bebe i kroz analizu praćena je dinamika relativnog doprinosa i proces interakcije ova dva modaliteta iskustva. I nezavisno od ovog specifičnog aspekta otelovljenog iskustva koji se tiče prisustva bebe, ženino telo prolazi kroz velike i mnogobrojne transformacije tokom relativno kratkog perioda od nekoliko meseci. Analizirano je kako žena doživljava ove promene i kako se na njih prilagođava tokom svakodnevnog funkcionisanja. Znanja i veštine koje je tokom meseci trudnoće stekla i odnos prema sopstvenom telu koji je izgradila omogućavaju ženi izvesna pozicioniranja i definišu njene potrebe i preferencije na samom porođaju. Ipak, stvarni ishodi u velikoj meri zavise od materijalnih i simboličkih karakteristika institucionalnog okruženja u kome se porođaj odvija, što je detaljno analizirano u delu teze posvećenom razmatranju porođajnih iskustava. Ukazano je na to kako konkretna konstelacija medicinske prakse, implicitne i eksplicitne norme, obrasci odnošenja, ali i materijalne karakteristike institucionalnog okruženja presudno određuju to kako će žena doživeti porođaj i svoju ulogu u njemu. Žena je tokom porođaja suočena sa donekle netransparentnim nizom povremeno dramatičnih telesnih događaja koje ne može sasvim dobro da anticipira i da kontroliše, što samo po sebi predstavlja izazov za njenu otelovljenu subjektivnost. Činjenica da nema kontrolu, a često ni uvid, u tok medicinskih intervencija kome je podvrgnuta, ovu situaciju dodatno komplikuje. Detaljno je analizirano to kako se žena odnosi prema nizu telesnih i medicinskih događaja tokom porođaja, odnosno da li uspeva da prisvoji i bude akter tog procesa koji joj se dešava. Empirijski deo teze završen je razmatranjem mogućnosti za drugačije ishode po subjektivnost žene koji se, makar u izvesnoj meri, nalaze i u trenutnoj lokalnoj konstelaciji porođaja, i pored svih njenih nesavršenosti i nedostataka. S obzirom na to da su poglavlja u kojima su diskutovani nalazi istraživanja bila fokusirana na različita konkretna pitanja i aspekte transformacije ženine subjektivnosti tokom trudnoće i porođaja, u zaključnom poglavlju ocrtane su neke opštije tendencije i ponovo razmatrana, ovaj put u svetlu empirijskih uvida, neka od pitanja koja su otvorena u teorijskim delovima rada. U opštim terminima ispitane su različite uloge tehnologije i njihov odnos prema otelovljenom iskustvu žene, koje tokom trudnoće i porođaja sa sobom nosi niz specifičnosti. Ukazano je na to da individualni subjekt ne mora da bude redukovan susretom sa tehnologijom, on kroz taj susret može tek da dobije specifične oblike iskustva i prilike za agensnost. Na kraju, istaknuto je da analiza trudničkog i porođajnog iskustva, koja ukazuje na distribuiranu, procesualnu i (tehnološki) posredovanu prirodu subjektivnosti uopšte, može da nam posluži kao značajan resurs za zasnivanje jedne adekvatnije psihološke teorije subjekta.Abstract The subject of empirical and theoretical analysis in this thesis is the process of shaping and transformation of women´s subjectivity during pregnancy and childbirth, especially considering the dramatic bodily changes that occur and considering the way in which medical knowledge, practices and techniques mediate this process. The aim of the study was to reconstruct the transformations of experiential subjectivity of women during pregnancy and childbirth, through analyzing pregnancy and birth narratives, in a local context which possess a number of (primarily institutional) specificities. The thesis begins by discussing and critically examining the representations and practices associated with treating pregnancy and childbirth in contemporary society, as well as reconstructing their historical origins. The contemporary situation can be seen as the culmination of a historic process of putting women's reproductive health under the jurisdiction of medicine that began in modern period. Among other things, this process implies that pregnancy and childbirth were viewed as potentially risky and pathological, and were therefore treated by medical professionals relying on numerous technological means, in the institutional environment. This certainly entails certain consequences for the experiential subject and these consequences are examined in detail in the second, empirical, part of the thesis. At the end of the introduction part, the thesis is positioned within the current debate about reproductive issues. A specific aspect of this positioning was enabled by relying on a different theory of both, the subject, and the technology, which are no longer considered as given, coherent and well individualised wholes, but as complex constellations that are locally situated and that can only be described empirically. Relying on this altered perspective that comes from the study of science and technology and modern feminism, or primarily on the actor-network theory (ANT) as its conceptualmethodological core, permitted placing emphasis on the material aspects of the social environment and institutional and technological practice. Despite all the potential of this modern understanding, it lacks certain resources specifically tuned for the analysis of subjectivity, which in this work is approached from the first person perspective, as well as being bodily situated. Therefore an additional phenomenological theoretical framework is introduced, that allows for differentiated conceptual reconstruction of the embodied experience of the subject. Further, in this theoretical part of the work, additional theoretical positioning of the thesis within psychology was carried on, through considering two relevant areas that deal with this subject - psychology of women and health psychology. The methodology chapter contains a reflexive narrative, by the author herself, about the performed empirical research. In addition to a detailed description of all relevant methodological decisions, this chapter examines the role of the researcher in all aspects of the research – from choosing the phenomenon and formulating questions, to performing the research. The main empirical material on which the analysis is based consists of twenty-five semi-structured interviews with thirteen interviewees, first at the end of pregnancy, and second after childbirth. Data on the local institutional environment and medical practices and techniques are complemented with secondary material: notes from the field research that was conducted in one of the Belgrade maternity hospitals, information obtained from interviews with the few doctors who agreed to an interview and analysis of the medical textbooks. The basic framework for the interpretation of pregnancy and birth narratives was the interpretative phenomenological analysis that aims to achieve a detailed reconstruction of individual experience, but also to position it in both sociocultural, as well as theoretical context. The second half of the thesis is dedicated to the presentation and discussion of the empirical findings. It is divided into two major parts - the experience of pregnancy is analyzed in detail in the first part, and the experience of childbirth in the second, both including relevant citations of the participants in the study. Through the discussion of specific experiences, it is shown that (particularly at the beginning of pregnancy, but during it as well) bodily experiences are vague and ambiguous and that women generally rely on different mediators – medical knowledge, technological means (such as pregnancy test or ultrasound) as well as the experiences of others – in an attempt to correctly interpret and discursively analyze their condition, and to practically orient themselves towards it, or in other words, to plan and conduct activities and organize their behavior. Very often the medical techniques play an important role in resolving the uncertainty and allow women both the knowledge and opportunity to choose their actions in an informed way, but they sometimes lead to inducing or deepening that uncertainty. Thus, the technology has a variety of roles during pregnancy and childbirth, and leads to different outcomes for women as embodied subjects. There are at least two important factors that determine that – the relationship with the bodily experience and organization of practice in which the technology occurs, that is the specific manner it is institutionally situated. Both aspects are examined in detail during the analysis of narratives. An important aspect of the experience of pregnancy, which sets a specific challenge to the subjectivity of women, is the fact that in her body grows another being that eventually becomes increasingly differentiated and autonomous. For a pregnant woman, the baby gets increasingly more specific and begins to be perceived as an independent being. Medical knowledge/technology and woman’s embodied experience play significant roles in the individuation of the baby and the dynamics of the relative contribution of these two modalities of experience and the process of their interaction are followed through the analysis. Apart from this specific aspect of embodied experience concerning the presence of the baby, a woman's body undergoes significant and numerous transformations over a relatively short period of time. It was analyzed how women experience these changes and how they adapt to them in their daily functioning. Knowledge and skills that a woman gained during pregnancy and the relationship she established towards her own body, enable her certain positioning and define her needs and preferences during childbirth. However, the actual outcomes largely depend on the material and symbolic characteristics of the institutional environment in which the birth takes place, which is analyzed in detail in the part of the thesis dedicated to the discussion of birth experiences. It was pointed out that the specific constellation of medical practice, implicit and explicit norms, relationship patterns, and material characteristics of the institutional environment crucially determine how a woman will experience the birth and her role in it. A woman during childbirth is faced with a somewhat non-transparent series of occasionally dramatic bodily events that she cannot anticipate and control very well, which itself is a challenge for her embodied subjectivity. The fact that she does not control, and often has no insight into the course of medical interventions performed on her, makes this situation even more complicated. How a woman relates to a series of both bodily and medical events during birth, and whether she manages to appropriate and be an actor of the process that is happening to her, is analyzed in detail. The empirical part of the thesis is completed by considering the possibilities for different outcomes for women’s subjectivity which are present, at least to some extent, in the current local constellation of the birth, in spite of all its imperfections and flaws. The chapters in which the research findings were discussed focused on various specific issues and aspects of the transformation of the woman's subjectivity during pregnancy and childbirth. Therefore, in the concluding chapter, some more general tendencies are outlined and some of the questions that were opened in the theoretical parts of the work were discussed again, this time in the light of empirical insights. Different roles of technology and their relation to the embodied experience of women (which has a number of specific features during pregnancy and childbirth) were examined in general terms. It is pointed out that the individual subject does not have to be reduced through encounters with the technology – she could even get specific forms of experience and opportunities for agency through this encounter. At the end, it was suggested that the analysis of pregnancy and birth experience, which indicates distributed, processual and (technologically) mediated nature of subjectivity in general, can serve as an important resource for the establishment of a more adequate psychological theory of the subject

    Nanoscale metal oxides as materials used for modification of carbon-based electrodes in electrochemical sensors

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    Nanostructured metal oxides used as modifiers of various carbon-based working electrodes serve as the basis for designing sensitive electrochemical sensors to detect desired analytes. The sensors we develop are distinguished by low detection limit (LOD), high analyte selectivity, sensitivity, and versatile real-world sample use case. In this work we present the design of two based on metal oxides as modifiers of carbon paste working electrode (CPE) and their applications in the electrochemical determination of levodopa and adrenaline. The physicochemical properties of designed materials were analyzed by complementary experimental technics (XRPD, TEM, SEM, EDS, electrochemical measurements) to determine their (micro)structural properties and correlate them with electroanalytical performance. Europium has been considered a significant lanthanide element with higher redox reaction behavior. We conducted a hydrothermal synthesis of Eu2O3@Cr2O3 and used them for CPE modification. The proposed Eu2O3@Cr2O3/CPE electrode was used to develop an analytical procedure quantifying L-Dopa in a wide micromolar linear range (1-100 µM), high sensitivity of 1.38 µA µM−1 cm−2 and a low detection limit (LOD = 0.72 µM). On the other side, we investigated the physicochemical properties of the gallium/bismuth mixed oxides and studied the influence of different Ga2O3:Bi2O3 ratios on the electrochemical detection of adrenaline. Square wave voltammetry was optimized, and the best electrode showed a wide linear working range of 7-100 μM, under optimized conditions. The LOD for the proposed sensor was calculated to be 1.9 μM, with a low limit of quantification (LOQ = 5.8 μM). The total performance of the sensors, particularly their performance on real-world samples and their potential for commercialization, had to be carefully evaluated during the sensor construction. Our team is devoted to developing highly selective electrochemical sensors based on nanomaterials to be potentially used as the basis for the fabrication of high-performance miniature devices with exceptional sensitivity to specific analytes, like adrenaline and L-Dopa, in this research